Please review these reports with your child.
Teachers will indicate whether or not a conference is recommended on the reports; however, all parents are welcome to schedule a conference.
Due to Covid-19 we are doing things differently this year.
Parents are asked to sign up for a
virtual conference here:
Sign Up Genius
Please follow these steps:
- Have the names of your child’s teachers ready.
- Use the tabs on the page to locate each teacher that you wish to meet.
- Select an available time. (If there aren’t any times that work for you, or if you require a lengthier discussion, please email your child’s teacher to set up an alternate meeting time in the days that follow.)
- Select one of the three options for the conference: a Google Meet (an email will be sent to invite you), a telephone call, or an email exchange.
- The information that you provide when you sign up will be used by the teacher to connect with you during the assigned time (emails for Google Meets and email exchanges; phone numbers for calls).
- Please remember that this report is an early estimation of progress, and this initial meeting facilitates further parent-teacher communication throughout the semester. To accommodate as many parents as possible, we have created 7 minute time slots. We ask both parties to stick to the times allotted as much as possible.
If you are unsure about how to join a Google Meet, please see here:
This information will also be available on our school website. If you have any questions, please call the school.
Thank you,
Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School